Every year, in the run-up to Easter, the village of Binfield holds an egg hunt. This eagerly anticipated event provides a fun day for local families, while simultaneously raising important funding for good causes in the community.
Residents and businesses that wish to take part in the festivities are required to construct a homemade, Easter themed display. Then, with the guidance of a published map, locals and visitors alike tour the area, ticking them off as they go.
For companies like MAR, nestled in the heart of a village, engaging and integrating with the neighbourhood can make a significant difference to the atmosphere of a community. It is for this reason that we look forward to any opportunity to support and contribute to events and fundraising activities.
This year, in addition to our display, we decided to include an interactive and competitive element to our entry. The rules were straightforward: locate as many egg pictures as possible, hidden in the windows of our Head Office, and submit your answer via email or social media. Those that correctly identified all 27 eggs were entered into a randomised draw to win a luxury MAR FM Easter Egg.
Our draw was conducted on Wednesday 20th April and crowned Jennie, Saskia and Kathryn as this year’s winners!
The MAR team had a fantastic time, getting better acquainted with our neighbours, and were overwhelmed with both the number of responses and the warm sentiments that accompanied them.
We would like to thank everyone who took part in our competition, along with the organisers who work tirelessly to arrange the event each spring. The Binfield Easter Egg hunt is one of the many elements that make this community special, and we are proud to be a part of it.
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and look forward to seeing you next year.
Sincerely, The MAR Egg Department.
You can find out more about the Binfield Easter Egg Hunt, and other local events, here.